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The Bible speaks of "giving" in many ways. Through the promises and parables God provides, we are instructed to give joyfully and trust that He will provide for all of our needs. See Malachi 3:8-12; Luke 21:4; II Corinthians 8:1-13.


Giving is an international practice through which God intends to teach us about his sovereign ownership of everything. Instead of simply being consumers of God's blessings, we ought to stop and think through just how much he has blessed us and exercise that same generosity to others. Just as we love because Jesus loves us first, we give because He has given to us first.


We believe and teach that God would have us bring our first fruits to the local Church. A few ways giving is expressed include tithing money towards the ministries of the Church, committing time/energy to serve, and allocating time to connect with God. At times we may be called to give in a way that is sacrificial, but Jesus reminds us that we are to give unconditionally as He has given to us. We believe that God has given us all things and therefore should be used to further His Kingdom.


Question: Are you obeying the call of God to bring your tithe to the local church?










Check: Drop a check in the offering box or mail it to 492 Lake Cameron Dr. Pike Rd. AL, 36064. Every dollar you give to CCC helps us do the mission God has called us to do. 


Stock Gifts: If you would like to donate stock gifts, you can do so by simply connecting with David Gallahar, Raymond James at 334.213.4200


Bank Draft: You may choose to go to your bank's website and have the bank draft a check that is sent directly to us. 


Online Giving: If you choose to give through our secure online giving site, please be advised that part of your gift will include a 1.1% usage fee. 


IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT ONLINE GIVING: If you are giving online for the first time, be aware that there is an account verification process. For your own security, you will be asked to go through several steps in which two small deposits will be made to your account after which you will receive an email requesting you to confirm your account. This email should appear within 3-4 business days. No action will be taken until your account is verified. Once the account is verified, your original giving amount will be processed.





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© 69420

The Table @ Christ Community Church

Dalraida Global Methodist Church Fellowship Hall

3817 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109

Contact: 334.546.8110

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